Bulldog Drummond

    Series : Adventure
      49 ADA / 29 ADA*Plus network fees*for wallet holding The Gutenberg Bible and A Princess of Mars
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      “Bulldog Drummond” by H. C. McNeile, writing under the pseudonym Sapper, was first published in 1920. The novel introduces readers to Hugh “Bulldog” Drummond, an iconic figure in early 20th-century British adventure fiction. Drummond, a daring and resourceful ex-World War I officer, seeks excitement and purpose in a peacetime world. Bored with civilian life, he offers his services as a troubleshooter, quickly attracting attention for his fearless spirit and imposing presence. His adventures are characterized by clever tactics and physical prowess, which he employs to combat nefarious foes threatening Britain’s stability.


      Throughout the novel, McNeile paints a vivid picture of post-war Britain, contrasting its societal turbulence with Drummond’s unwavering resolve. The camaraderie among Drummond and his loyal friends underscores the themes of loyalty and bravery that permeate the story. The gripping action scenes and sharp dialogue keep readers on the edge of their seats, while Drummond’s multifaceted character offers a deep dive into the psyche of a man forged in war and relentless in peace. “Bulldog Drummond” not only thrills but also captures the essence of an era, solidifying Drummond’s place as an enduring literary icon.

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      “Bulldog” Drummond

      6 Unique Designs
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      Publisher : Book.io

      Series : Adventure

      First Publication Date : 1920

      Author : H. C. McNeile

      Genres: Adventure Fiction, Classics, Crime Fiction, Fiction, Mystery

      Language : English

      Word Count : 65,000

      Format : DEA (Decentralized Encrypted Asset)

      Read On : Book.io eReader dApp

      Cover Art : Includes 4K hi-resolution book cover

      Cardano Retail Price : 49 ADA

      Cardano Discount Price : 29 ADA, for wallet holding The Gutenberg Bible and A Princess of Mars

      Purchase Limit: 3

      Cardano Policy ID : 63d8bd0d317b6ac9c8249e8ff5ddb87234787266c95be63ba30f2470

      Author Info

      H. C. McNeile

      H. C. McNeile (1888-1937), known by his pseudonym Sapper, created the iconic character Bulldog Drummond and became a prominent British author. Born Herman Cyril McNeile in Bodmin, Cornwall, he served as an officer in the Royal Engineers during World War I. His military experiences deeply influenced his writing style and themes, prompting him to adopt the pen name "Sapper," a term for soldiers in the Engineers. McNeile started his writing career with short stories and serialized novels, quickly g… Read More

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